Sunday, April 23, 2006

Its Saturday. Lovely day lovely day.

You`re 7 effing years old! (:

I don`t feel like studying today. STUDY STUDY STUDY. Its bloody boring. And I owe mommy money. ASSHAT.
Things that I owe mommy-
My hp bills ( they are still uncleared )
Still don`t understand why cant she just cancel it off my debt roll. Considering now that many peoples birthdays fall on april and it seems that I am always broke when ppl birthdays are here. DANG.

Here I am reading this chicken soup for the teenage soul series. ON RELATIONSHIPS. And I kinda got on to an interesting part.
· Guys like girls who take good care of themselves. This isn’t about model beauty. This is about clean hair, smelling good, exercising. By taking care of yourself, you send out the message that you care about yourself. Guys like this!
· Guys like girls who have a life. They like it when you aren`t always available. They like to know that if they like you, you aren`t going to be needing them all the time.
· Guys like girls who have a sense of humour. This is one of the most underestimated attributes. Lets face it, we all love someone who laughs (especially at our jokes) and knows how to have fun.
· Guys like girls who don`t try too hard. Once again, the message you send when you try too hardis that you are desperate. They want to think that they lucked out by getting you.
· Guys like girls who listen to them and find them interesting. don`t fake it, but don`t try to get a guy if you don`t think he is interesting.
· Guys like girls who have fun with their girlfriends. They want to know that if they are going to watch the game on Saturday night, you aren`t going to fall apart. They like girls who can have a good time without them.
· Guys like girls who sincerely like them. So… instead of thinking, I want a boyfriend, think, I am looking forward to meeting a guy I like who likes me back.
· Girls like guys who adore them. This is the number 1 thing for girls. Many a girl has fallen in love with a guy after he announces he likes her. The more you like her, the better. (unless it is overbearing)
· Girls like guys who are strong. They like guys who are confident and give them the feeling that they are safe when they are around them.
· Girls like guys who aren`t afraid to say sweet things to them. You look so pretty tonight. Stuff like that.
· Girls like guys who don`t shy away from them when their buddies are around.
· Girls likes guys who know how to have fun when they are with a girl. (besides being physical)
· Girls like guys who make them feel special.
· Girls like guys who care about their feelings and who aren`t afraid to talk about emotional stuff.
· Girls like guys who are thoughtful, who call just to sat hi, good night or to see how are they doing.
· Girls like guys who are generous. Not just with money but in other ways too. They like guys who will go out of their way to make them feel comfortable.
· Girls like guys who take care of themselves. They like clean hair, nice clothes, and they love a guy who smells good.
· Girls like guys who do little things like hold their hand softly, move their hair away from their face for them or remember the day they first kissed.

Well, this is it. read it and I would like to hear yr comments. (: tyty. Just post yr comments on my tag. I find it all quite true. Harhar. Interesting book. I like the way the author gives out her sympathy. TOUCHING STORIES. A MUST READ. (: well, michelle read it. she says its truly useful. ((: ps : if you want to read, tell me and I shall lend it to you. IM A NICE GIRL. HAHAHA. (:

Went to swensens for mandy`s birthday celebration. YUMMY. (: smacks lips* shadnt describe the foody part, for I guess you shall drool away. Hah. BUT I LOVE THE ICE CREAM. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. One thing I found out – many peoples birthday falls on 22nd april. Gawd. I hear many HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG SINGING AT SWENSENS. And I saw aunty elsie. HAH. Waved to her from swensens but she didn`t notice cause.. SHES TOO BUSY HOLDING HANDS WITH HER LOVER! Grinning* mommy called her many times but she never answer. Awwwwwwwwwwwww. WHAT AN OLD COUPLE. Hah. (x tease tease. Shopped for mandy`s prezzie. BORING. Yawns* yawns* of course im yawning, its not my present. Heh heh. (:

Finally went hme. Smacked my face on the bed when my favourite person called me. (: chatted for 1 hour 24 minutes and 57 seconds exactly on the button. IM HAPPY. ((:

TAKE NOTE : this was typed on Saturday but posted on Sunday. So all happenings has happened on Sunday. THANK YOU.

Well, off to study my science. HAVE A LOVELY DAY ALL. (:
Ps : soh xinyi, Im not jealous and you cant make me. Hah. (:


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